All you Apple lovers must read out the coming information as many rumors are coming for Apple iwatch. Apple is working on its final launching plans to release its new product Apple iWatch in the span of the coming months . The iWatch will be available to its users with two variants 1.7 inches and 1.3 inch screen . The smart watch will be available for both the genders ie. for Men and Women .The iWatch having smaller screen size will be available for women with vibrant colors and combinations.
The wearable Apple iWatch will be launched with a OLED display . The OLED display, which will have 320 x 320 pixels resolution will provide a great vision to its users . It is heard from source that iWatch will have a flexible display to compete with its other big brand smart watches like
Motorola, Samsung, LG etc. Samsung the brand in technology is also
working on flexible display smart watch and it will also launch in the
couple of months. The Apple iWatch likely
to be released at the end of September or in the beginning of the
October 2014. In spite of the Apple, In the technology market Samsung
Galaxy Gear, Motorola Moto 360, SonySmart Watches
will also be seen till the end of this year. Apple Inc. Hired a Nike
Key Designer to include a sporty look at its iWatch . The
images for Apple iWatch looks a bit very interesting at the moment on
the web portal. As per the images Apple iWatch seems so elegant and
sporty whether it goes on men or if we talk about women.So
Apple iWatch will be so impressive and smart in looks. Users have to
wait a bit for the Apple iWatch to be launched in the Indian Markets.
Price and other specification are not yet properly disclosed.
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