Luqman revealed the names of MQM senior workers who confessed to BBC that MQM
is getting funds from Indian spy agency RAW.
Talking in his show on BOL TV, Mubashar Luqman told that Muhammad Anwar and Tariq Mir - members of MQM’s London Rabata Committee have disclosed to BBC about RAW funding of MQM. He presented transcripts of Tariq Mir's interview to London Police held in April back this year. The document highlights meetings between RAW officials and MQM's Altaf Hussain, Muhammad Anwar and Tariq Mir. In a startling revelation Mr Mir told London Police that MQM got £800,000 annually as fixed amount, moreover they used to get additional money for their urgent needs like buying houses.
With every passing day, evidence against MQM’s involvement in terrorist activities is growing and it seems they are drifting towards their logical end. With a statement came from MQM’s top echelon, they are finding it really hard to defend it using their usual tactics and logics.
With every passing day, evidence against MQM’s involvement in terrorist activities is growing and it seems they are drifting towards their logical end. With a statement came from MQM’s top echelon, they are finding it really hard to defend it using their usual tactics and logics.
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